Unique opportunity

First time in Norway,

29th May to 1st June (4 days)

Experience an exciting and magical sound journey with the
sound magician

Bear Love  

We are pleased to invite you to a unique retreat with the fabled creator of magical and transformative sound, with Bear Love (Wales) and his partner Shion Buschner.

You will experience exciting and inspiring days of gong playing and depth, a journey inward, where you will learn to create a transformative sound with Bear's self-produced collection of magical BLove flumies which many believe bring gong playing to a new level.

The days at the retreat will be varied and seasoned and you will be able to experience everything from good conversations, lovely moments, smiles, laughter, tears, depth and humour, seriousness and play, rawness and beauty, change processes and friendship.

The focus will be on passing on Bear's unique playing techniques in parallel with sharing good tips, all this in lovely interaction with his partner Shion.

The retreat runs over four days and is suitable for both beginners and those with experience.

You will be in safe hands at Opaker farm.

 The registration deadline for participation is 10 April 2025. 

Teachers in mastery medicine and meditation, as well as licensed flumie teachers, Ingrid Bjordal from Mestring-IB AS and Hanna Finborud from Openings Oslo will be available as guides and generously share their wide experience throughout the retreat.


Take your gong playing to a new level
Discover your unique skills!

  • For those of you who long to conjure up beautiful sound in all frequencies, experience security and stand firm in yourself when you are in your sound-creating landscape
  • For those of you who seek inspiration, new energy and a fresh start in your tireless work of creating transformative sound
  • For those of you who long for peace, better self-confidence and new, exciting experiences made possible through new expertise passed on by flumie master Bear Love from beautiful Wales.

A soundscape with new harmony

Equal respect for deeply refined sound and silence.


Bear Love offers the most authentic and comprehensive flumie training in the sound healing world today. Bear Love is the creator of these beautiful audio tools and knows them like no other. He has been researching and developing flumies since 2006. Today, BLove flumies are known to be the best flumies globally, not only because of their amazing quality, but most of all because of their extraordinary soundscapes and seemingly endless discovery of new harmony .

Bear himself started his career as a detective in the London Metropolitan Police, hoping to help people, but soon realized that working with sound was much more rewarding. It was infinitely less stressful, and offered healing to many.

Shion's background is music, energy work and healing. She originally has a university degree in teaching music. Shion realized early in life that she was searching for a deeper meaning. She has practiced acupuncture for over 40 years, in addition to following studies in qigong and meditation.

Bear Love and Shion offer something completely unique in their approach to teaching and in their sound ceremonies. They both value the sacred nature of sound, which is an acknowledgment that gong playing is an inner practice and with equal respect for both deeply refined sound and silence. A true path to healing.


Organizers & Cooperation Partner

The event is the result of many years of collaboration between:

Instagram: Openings Oslo 

Facebook: Openings Oslo

FacebookHanna Finborud.

Instagram Mestring-ib AS Ingrid Bjordal  

Facebook: Mestring-IB AS

Facebook: Ingrid Bjordal

Homepage: Mestring-IB AS: Web.

Opaker Farm (Opaker Gård)



Contact us by e-mail to [email protected] if you have allergies.


Prices for RETREAT in Norwegian Kroner(hereinafter called NOK)

Retreat board/participant (4 days & 3 nights)


In single room price/participant for RETREAT
(incl. breakfast, lunch and dinner)

13 300

In double room price/participant for RETREAT
(incl. breakfast, lunch and dinner)

11 900

In 3-bed room price/participant for RETREAT
(incl. breakfast, lunch and dinner)

11 300


The registration deadline for participation is 10 April 2025. 



Early arrival - late departure

Early arrival May 28, 2025 (1 extra night). Participant's choice and own board.

Late departure: June 2, 2025 (1 extra night). Participant's choice and own board.


Prices in NOK extra night


Extra night 

In single room per participant (incl. simple breakfast and dinner)


Extra night

In double room per participant (incl. simple breakfast and dinner) 


 Lunch NOK 200 is added. 

Ordering of the above is done by the participant him/herself as relevant and is done directly by e-mail to: [email protected].


Bien Sparebank,
Dronning Mauds gate 11, 
0250 Oslo, Norway
Bank Account 1720 21 65664
IBAN  NO4517202165664
BIC/SWIFT from EU/EØS + Switzerland + Great Britain  BIENNOK1XXX
BIC/SWIFT all other countries  DNBANOKKXXX

Limited number of places

The first come, first serve principle applies as the number of places is limited. 



  • If you take the train from Oslo S then Opaker farm arranges a pick-up from the station for NOK 200 each way.
  • Please let us know if you drive your own car and are willing to take passengers! In that case, we will put you in touch with others who may want to drive with you. 
  • On the way home it is often easier to get a ride with other participants, so we recommend waiting to buy a train ticket until Sunday.
  • The address of the farm is: Opaker 58, 2260 Kirkenær

Food during the stay

Opaker farm focuses on sustainability and regenerative agriculture. They strive to use as clean, organic and short-traveled raw materials as possible. The food during the retreat will be delicious, tasty and nutricious.


Practical information

It is encouraged to bring your own gong, if you have one, but there is no condition. 


TORSDAY, May 29, 2025 (Ascension Day)


 Day 1:

How to take care of your BLove flumie investment. 1-2-1 Basic instruction with Mid / Super-High-sets and the big  BLove flumies.


09.00 - 10.00 : Breakfast  

10.00 - 13.00: Teaching

13.00: Lunch

15.30 - 18.30: Teaching

19.00: Dinner​

20.00: Closing

FRIDAY, May 30, 2025


 Day 2:

How to play a controlled drone sound and then add sweet accents with an extra BLove flumie. Play at different times. Partner exercises.

09.00 - 10.00 : Breakfast 

10.00 - 13.00: Teaching

13.00: Lunch

15.30 - 18.30: Teaching

19.00:  Dinner​

20.00: Closing


SATURDAY, May 31, 2025


 Day 3:

Partner exercises. Prepare sound journeys.


09.00 - 10.00 : Breakfast 

10.00 - 13.00: Teaching

13.00: Lunch

15.30 - 18.30: Teaching

19.00:  Dinner​

20.00: Closing


SUNDAY, June 1, 2025


 Day 4:

BLove flumie playing for healing yourself and others


09.00 - 10.00 : Breakfast 

10.00 - 13.00: Teaching

13.00: Lunch

15.30 - 18.30: Teaching

19.00:  Dinner​

20.00: Closing



Certification as BLove flumie teacher 

Arrangements will be made for an opportunity to be certified as a BLove flumie teacher after an individual test, based on registration of interest in this upon enrolment.

Cancellation of participation 

The following rules apply:

  • If you cancel more than 14 days before the event starts, you are entitled to a refund. We retain a cancellation fee of NOK 1,000.
  • If you cancel less than 14 days before the event starts, there is no refund. You can possibly contact your travel insurance company regarding coverage of your expenses.
  • If the Organizer (Mestring-IB AS & Openings Oslo) cancels the event, all payments will be refunded (including the cancellation fee). NOTE: It may take up to one to two weeks before we refund the amount. The organizer cannot cover travel expenses; you can possibly contact your insurance company regarding this.
  • If you have to cancel, you can also give your place to another person. 

Please contact Hanna Finborud on e-mail: <[email protected]>

if you need to  cancel or have any questions.